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What is the process for getting my DNA test?The process is very straightforward and non-invasive. Once you purchase the desired report, you will receive an order confirmation email. Included within the email will be complete instructions for sending your biological sample (a small cutting of hair or fingernails) to us for testing. The biosample can be put into a standard mailing envelope (no special envelopes or shipping containers required) and sent to our lab. Once our lab receives the biosample, it will be processed within 24-hours of receipt. A report will be created based on the results of the test and emailed to the address provided to us. The report will describe in non-scientific language, the health findings from your DNA analysis along with a recommended treatment plan to optimize your health.
Do I ever need to be retested? How often should I be tested?Since your DNA never changes, retesting for DNA health markers is not necessary; but your physician or health advisor may recommend re-testing to evaluate changes in your epigenetics (the part of DNA that is influenced by your diet, environment, and lifestyle). How often you get tested is based on your particular need and health goal. Your physician or health advisor will recommend appropriate times for re-testing. In general, when a person participates in a Luminary optimal health program, it is recommended that they retest every 4 to 6 months to evaluate their progress. Due to many factors that can affect our metabolic balance, retesting will allow you to receive feedback as to changes necessary to optimize your health.
Is Luminary's approach backed by real science?Luminary is a science driven evidence-based health information provider. Our reports, nutritional recommendations, and protocols are built off thousands of published research papers, showing relevant effects of human performance and optimal health based on response to nutrition and lifestyle change. All reports and plans are designed to be easily actionable with adaptable lifestyle changes.
What is the difference between 23andMe and the genetic reports provided by Luminary?Based on the report purchased, 23andMe provides high-level health predispositions (risk of contracting a disease), traits (your hair is likely to be straight or wavy), and ancestry. Whereas, reports provided by Luminary delve deeply into your health, including nutritional levels, emotional health, allergies, intolerances, gut-health, hydration level, sleep, electromagnetic exposure, and the presence of pathogens, such as fungus, viruses, toxins, bacteria, protozoa, and diseases. 23andMe is best characterized as a data company where Luminary is a health & wellness company.
What is the difference between DNA, Genes, and Epigenetics?"This is a good question since these terms are different, but we interchangeably use these terms often. DNA is the primary molecule that carries the genetic instructions from our ancestry for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known organisms. Whereas, genes carry the information that determines your traits. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules called proteins. While a gene can contain the traits of a heritable disease, those gene traits could be turned on or off (active versus inactive genes). This leads us to the meaning of Epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that will switch genes on and off. Our approach to optimal health is based on Epigenetics. While DNA can never be changed, the epigenetics of the gene can be altered due to nutritional changes and lifestyle. Hence, giving us a powerful lever into improving your health through diet and exercise. The interchangeable use of these terms is due to understanding. In other words, most people know what is meant when discussing DNA, but most people aren't clear regarding the use and application of epigenetics. It is our goal to change that understanding.
Why do I need to do a DNA test?With the advances in DNA technology today, we can quickly identify underlying problems impacting a person's health. With this information, we can provide recommendations to changes in a person's lifestyle to improve their health or recommend additional testing as might be necessary. While we can optimize our client's health through the use of questionairs, client interviews, taking of vitals, and reviewing results of blood panels, we find that DNA provides the quickest and least painful way to identify vital health factors to be addressed.
What is personalized nutrition and dietary supplements?Personalized nutrition is based on two approaches. 1) eating a diet based on the needs of the cells in your body, and 2) supplementing your meals with micronutrients to fill the gap that could exist when eating foods. DNA testing allows us to know your food intolerances and nutritional deficiencies. Based on this information, we can create meal plans and design personalized dietary supplements to address these nutritional deficiencies. No longer do people need to take a wide range of vitamins in the hope of better health. With DNA testing, people will now know the necessary nutrients for optimal health.
What is the difference between conventional allopathic versus alternative holistic health care?Luminary's client service model is based on a holistic health approach. This commonly prompts the about what is holistic medicine and how is it different from allopathic medicine, the classical form of medicine. Allopathic medicine refers to science-based, modern medicine, such as the use of medications or surgery to treat or suppress symptoms or the ill effects of disease. Whereas, holistic naturopathic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person - body, mind, spirit, and emotions - in the quest for optimal health and wellness. This model blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It emphasizes the use of natural modalities—such as nutrition, lifestyle counseling, and botanical herbs to promote wellness and treat illness.
How can I determine what nutrients my body needs versus blindly buying vitamins that I don't even know if they work?Interestingly enough, the epigenetics of your DNA can express the nutritional deficiencies in your body. Therefore, by examining a small sample of hair, we can identify your dietary deficiencies as well as your intolerances and allergies to certain foods. This allows us to provide our clients with their ideal intake of proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins, etc. Hence, no longer will you ever need to buy vitamin supplements that are not necessary for your body.
What is the benefit of knowing my DNA and epigenetics?Understanding the health of your DNA is imperative to optimize the quality of your health, avoid diseases, and increase longevity. While DNA can’t be changed, the epigenetics, or health characteristics of your cells, can be changed. Studies have shown that the epigenetics of your DNA can be influenced by lifestyle and environmental factors. By knowing the condition of your epigenetics, you can reverse the negative health factors of your cells through changes in diet and lifestyle.
What do you do with my data?We only test for the genes necessary to provide the information required for you report. We primarity analyze epigenetic data - not DNA data. The human genome can not be reproduced based on epigenetic data. Your biological sample is destroyed once the lab has completed the analysis. All data remains encrypted and is never partitioned, sold, or used for marketing purpouses. Please refer to Luminary's Privacy Statement for more information regarding our means of protecting your data.
Who is DNA testing most suitable for?The test is suitable for any person at any age. Whether you want to understand your body and health risks better, improve your athletic performance, lose weight, or simply want to feel better - Luminary has a program to help you. The use of DNA eliminates the guesswork associated with developing optimum health performance.
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